martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Around the world: Webquest

Your goal:
Each group must find information about your county. You need to find information about the following topics:

1) Description of the country's flag

2) The national symbol of the country

3) The capital of the country

4) Interesting or important landmarks in your country

5) Typical food for your country

6) Typical music and sports for your country

Once you have gathered the information, you will make a presentation to the rest of the class. Each person in the group must report on one of the questions. If you there is a question left over, you may decide who will speak about that question.

This link will give you all of the information that you will need to answer the questions:

1 comentario:

Lourdes Real dijo...

This is the link that will provide all of the information you will need to answer the questions: